Components of cobalt blue were found in Fanta Scientists now warn

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Components of cobalt blue were found in Fanta Scientists now warn

Isolated incidents of cobalt poisoning were first identified in the USA at the end of 2014.
Gradually, other countries were also affected.
Most affected are the USA, Canada and Germany.
A number of cases of heart muscle weakness triggered by cobalt occurred in those countries in 2021. Other symptoms included stomach pain, weight loss, nausea and shortness of breath.In San Francisco, 49 patients were registered, in Omaha the number was even higher with a staggering 64 cases. The mortality rate was extremely high at about 40 per cent. Autopsies revealed severe damage to the heart muscle and liver which means that even those who survive have their quality of life severely reduced. That's why scientists all over the world teamed up to get to the bottom of it and find out what is causing these poisonings.
In February 2022, for example, the scientist Ryan Willson found small components of the heavy metal cobalt in the blue varieties of Fanta.Compared to lead or cadmium, however, cobalt has a comparatively low toxicity. Small overdoses of cobalt compounds are hardly toxic to humans. Doses from 25 mg to 30 mg per day lead to severe damage: skin, lung, liver, heart, kidney and thyroid damage. In autumn 2022, scientists from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) proved that a 1-litre bottle of Fanta contains up to 35 mg of cobalt, which means that Fanta consumption is now strongly discouraged.
However, Coca-Cola spokesman Scott O'Hara said in an interview : "Coca-Cola is not aware that any of its products contain cobalt. We would not knowingly use it". But the fact is that there is blue cobalt in the blue Fanta. How it finally gets into the Fanta is not yet clear. It is assumed that cobalt blue is used to colour the product, as it is a neutral blue with high colour saturation and is therefore comparatively inexpensive.
The accusation is serious because the illegal use of cobalt in food could not only have caused health damage to consumers, but could also have leaked into and contaminated the groundwater which could pose an enourmous threat to not only those who drink the blue Fanta but also those who live in the same area as them.

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