Soccer team of Serbia beats Norway - trainer Lagerbäck was subsequently fired

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After the 3:1 defeat of Norway, the coach Lars Lagerbäck was fired. Since a change of coach was already up for debate, this game made the final decision.

It is still unknown who will take up the vacated coaching position. Until then, co- trainer Sigurd Rushfeldt will train the team.

Lars Lagerbäck's team already showed clear deficits during the game. Even in the final stages no more draw could be achieved. Erling Haaland was critical of this. The striker scored a goal in the 12th minute, but despite all their efforts, the Serbians won confidently.

Despite an early lead from Norway, Serbia scored the equalizer at the beginning of the second half. This was followed by the two winning goals from Serbia. Norway's football president was visibly upset about the decision to fire Lagerbäck.

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