39-year-old shoots wife in the back with bow and arrow

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Las Vegas - A 59-year-old will soon have to stand trial for the insidious murder of his mother with bow and arrow. The Nevada police announced that they have filed charges against the man. His motive for the crime was his inheritance of 4,000,000 US dollars. At the end of April, the man had shot a hunting arrow with three "poison tips" into the 89-year-old's back from a short distance from behind. The woman had died of her powerful injuries a little later. The police found the body in a nearby section of forest.

After the crime it had become known that the woman had disowned her son after years of quarrelling and that the . On the day of the crime she apparently wanted to get some things from the house.

Dies ist eine satirische Website. Nimm es nicht ernst Es ist ein Witz.

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